Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wow - has it really been that long?? It's been a busy summer! We took a vacation with my family in July. Then I got a new computer and have been moving over to it for the last month. I also did a ton of work for an art project at my day job - that doesn't happen very often. (I've taken pictures of it, but I can't post anything until after the contest it was done for is over.) We have also been cleaning out our house for a big yard sale in September. No closets were left unscathed!

I did do a project for Michelle Wards GPP Street team blog to "knock yourself off". I just started "for real" art journaling recently - but I've kept sketchbooks, and "play" books and idea books for years.

I did this page a few years ago at the beach. I always take art stuff to the beach. I get inspired there. My nephews both like to do art with me, so I try to take a variety of stuff. I took construction paper, school glue and scissors for playing around with cut outs, and we had a blast. We also used newspapers - they are always readily available when my Dad's around. Actually, I think I had more fun with the cutouts than they did even - I continued doing them when I got back home.

So, this time, I did an art journal page using the same general shapes. I started with similar colors and I used cutouts as well.

Since the original was done at the beach, and we had just gotten back from there, I used the beach as my inspiration to finish up the page. I really like the way it turned out.